250,000 people fed in first year of charity

250,000 people fed in first year of charity

250,000 people fed in first year of charity 1920 1080 WDDevelopment

250,000 people fed in first year of charity

We donated $125,000 to OzHarvest in 2018, our inaugural year of operation, creating a quarter of a million meals for those in need.

Fundraising efforts included the donation of 100% of ticket sales of several of our Aaron Sansoni Group (ASG) events, generous donations from students, friends and business partners and a major charity ball held in October.

Ronni Khan, OzHarvest CEO & Founder said, “I am deeply grateful to the Aaron Sansoni Foundation for their generous donation of $125,000. This donation will enable us to deliver a further 250,000 nourishing meals to men, women and children in our community who depend on OzHarvest every day.”

Every year the Aaron Sansoni Foundation chooses a different not-for-profit to partner with and to raise funds and awareness for. We believe in fewer barriers and more donations getting to where they’re needed, which is why the total operating cost of the Foundation is covered by Aaron Sansoni himself to ensure 100% of all donations goes to where they should.

The board is currently considering applications from not-for-profit organisations for 2019 and 2020, with applications welcome at https://aaronsansonifoundation.org

About the Aaron Sansoni Foundation: The Aaron Sansoni Foundation was established to create real change where it’s needed. We do this by creating global awareness for the charities we partner with, as well as mobilising large volunteer networks to help on our Give Back days both in Australia and around the world.



The Aaron Sansoni Foundation - Elena Sansoni

Elena Sansoni
Vice Chairwoman

Aaron Sansoni Foundation


Email: elena@aaronsansonifoundation.org
Global Head Office: + 61 3 9088 6250 |
Corporate Office: Suite 402, 88 Albert Rd , South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3205